Gravity Defied Classic is a port of original Gravity Defied - Trial Racing game from J2ME to Android and iOS.

Android port authors

Gregory Klushnikov - idea/J2ME to Android port
Eugene Zinoviev - porting/levels manager/website/API/graphics/everything else development, graphics

iOS port authors

David Davydov

Original GDTR authors

Codebrew Software:
Tors Björn Henrik Johansson - system/game logic/interface, testing, levels design
Set Elis Norman - graphics/physics/mathematics/system/tools programming, levels design
Per David Jacobsson - physics programming, game graphics, levels design
For more information, please visit official site of Codebrew Software: codebrew.se


You can write messages in VK or send emails to me@ch1p.io.


We are not associated with Codebrew Software in any fashion. All rights to the original Gravity Defied, it's name, logotype, brand and all that belongs to Codebrew Software.