Gravity Defied — Trial Racing is a motorcycle trial racing mobile game for J2ME platform. It was originally developed by Codebrew Software in 2004.
The game started as a small project in february/march 2004. The initial goal was to write a fun game suitable to enter the Excitera Mobile Awards 2004 (EMA04) contest. The focus of the game, trial racing, came from brainstorming sessions in early project stages. Development of this concept proved that it was suitable for the mobile platform and possible to implement in the limited time frame available. The game at this stage was called A-Trial.
As development continued, the response from gamers indicated that the game became quite interesting underway. Not knowing what competition the team would face they went to the EMA04 finals in Stockholm, may 2004. The finals were tough with many good entries but the game A-Trial finally came out on top and won the best-in-show award. After the awards the team wanted to proceed with the project to make a finished game. This work continued during the summer 2004 and in late august the demo of the final product could be released. The demo of the final product have now been downloaded over 5000 times and the full version of the game was relased early april 2005.
In the beggining of 2007 X-ZeY and BlackFan (Sergey Bobrov) had a shot at creating a mobile level editor for Gravity Defied. The implementation was unsuccessful, but later they’ve succeed in creating the first mod through the instrumentality of the Hex-editor.
Along that time the another programmer J.Peter (Peter Jakovlev) had created Gravity Remix, which provided basic capabilities of changing the game’s levels. There was no access to the file system, so one can check the result of his work only in his own phone. Later J. Peter had created the fully-featured mobile editor for J2ME - Gravity Edit, worked on the Siemens S-Gold, JSR-75 and Symbian 7 platforms.
In the spring of 2007 the popular Gravity Defied Track Editor v2.0 for Windows had been released. It was created by andruxin (Andrey Dmitriev), BlackFan and X-ZeY. Thousands of mods had been created through the use of it.
In 2008 BlackFan, J.Peter, andruxin, Sean (Gregory Klushnikov) and z-kzn-z (Eugene Zinoviev) united to the Alibom.TEAM in attempt to create Gravity Defied 2: Reprise - a proffessional mod which pack many stand-alone tries: downloading levels from the Internet, setting the background and trace colors, speed increase, immortality mode, music and other features.
Gravity Defied ruled supreme in 2007-2009. There were 2 most popular sites: and, unfortunately they are out of work at the moment. There were online-constructors of mods: one could create it’s own mod, choose levels, bike skin and a track colour. Several dozens of installations had been created there per day.
As time went on when Android and iOS came, Gravity Defied fell into oblivion. In 2012 Codebrew has launched the new version of the game for Android, but it was totally remade.
Now, in 2014, we’ve ported Gravity Defied in it’s origin from J2ME to Android and we hope that this will help to revive the game.